My Journey
Several years ago, I realised how busy and stressed my life had become. With two children home educated and running a business and home, it felt like I was running from one thing to the next and taking little time to focus on my own needs.
The only time I really sat down to rest was at the end of the day when I was exhausted!
I enjoyed my life, and it was a total pleasure being with the children and getting to take them to lots of social groups, academic sessions, and clubs. But you can’t be a good parent if you are constantly tired and emotionally drained. And eventually this all takes its toll on you physically.
I have always had a keen interest in wellness, meditation, and reiki, but felt it was probably difficult to do and took lots of time.
I did a few guided mediations online and found it quite hard to focus. And guilty for taking the time out!
Then one evening the opportunity popped up for me to attend a reiki level one course and I just went for it. This is where I first learnt how to go inwards and meditate. And with the ability now to give myself a reiki treatment each day I started to see huge benefits to my overall energy levels and mental wellbeing.
I have since passed my level 2 Reiki and now offer treatments to my clients.
Not long after this another opportunity came my way, and I trained as a kids mediation teacher – meaning I can coach children and families aged 3 and up. With a keen interest in mental health, particularly in young people, I am very proud of this achievement.
Following on from that I trained as a Meditation for Mental Health facilitator so I can help give people the tools to help themselves in a crisis and improve their overall mental wellbeing through regular practice. I now offer online workshops and in person coaching.
I then went on to train as a sound meditation teacher and my regular Sound Bath sessions came into fruition. And I absolutely love running them. Seeing how people show up for themselves, relax and shift is such a pleasure. Its lovely to get so much feedback on how much better people feel.
So, what I have learnt is that anyone can meditate, anywhere and at any time. Learning the skill of going inwards, focusing on your breath, and taking yourself to a calm place is an absolute gift that everyone deserves.
You don’t need any special equipment; you don’t have to sit cross legged and you don’t even have to close you eyes. By meditating for just a few minutes each day, you will have the skill to draw on it whenever you need to. In moments of overwhelm, anxiety or panic attacks, before an exam or difficult task, or when the room is just too busy!
If you want to learn, give it a go. You honestly wont look back. It really is a tool for life. I have online workshops and private coaching available in person or on zoom. Gift yourself and your family the gift for life to be in control of your own wellbeing.
It all begins with an idea.
You may have heard the word Chakra used around the subject of Wellness. But what are Chakras?
Chakras are the main energy centres within your body that run down the spine. Keeping them open, unblocked and aligned will aid the energy flow of your body and therefore maintain your overall health and well being both physically and mentally.
The Energy Centres within the body
Each of the 7 main chakras represents a different area of energy. Chakra means ‘wheel’ and you can think of them as spinning disks of energy.
Each one corresponds with the nerves, major organs and areas that affect our emotional and physical being. A colour, number and name is assigned to each one from the our roots to the crown of our head and beyond.
Root - Red - base of our spine - physical presence, grounding, stability
Sacral - Orange - below belly button to top of pubic bone - sexuality, pleasure, creativity
Solar Plexus - Yellow - upper abdomen - self esteem, confidence
Heart - Green - centre of the chest - love, compassion
Throat - blue - communication
Third Eye - Indigo/purple - brow area - intuition, imagination
Crown - Violet/white - top of the head - awareness, intelligence
Blocks in the Chakras affect our wellbeing, its where we hold traumas, grief, lack of confidence, anxiety and physical disorders.
Unblocking and keeping the Chakra wheels spinning will not only help you feel better emotionaly and physically but will improve your energy and vibrancy.
Attending one of our beautiful sound baths will help you work on your chakras. Start to feel amazing!
What Can Meditation do for me
How can meditation help me
Meditation has become popular and widespread on social media over recent years. So what's it all about?
Meditation is beneficial to us all. It can promote relaxation, good sleep patterns, improve mental health, control anxiety and help us in a crisis such as panic attacks.
From ages 3 and up children and young people can be taught simple breathing exercises and meditation to give them skills to call upon when negotiating life's ups and downs.
For teenagers and young people, learning to meditate can literally be a lifesaver. So many children and young adults struggle to cope with daily life leaving parents worried and unable to help. By providing some easy techniques that they can do anywhere, they will be able to take themselves from a state of stress to calm in a matter of minutes. Meditation can even help focus during exams.
You don't need any special equipment or dedicated space, and despite what you may think, meditation does not mean you have to completely clear your mind - that would be impossible after all!
There are so many ways to meditate, finding what works for you and finding just a few minutes a day really can make so much difference to your life. Once it becomes a habit as simple as brushing your teeth, you won't look back.
I offer a range of options for you, from individual coaching, family sessions, group and corporate and guided meditations to download
New Year Intentions
New Year Intentions
There is lots of talk at this time of year about New Years resolutions. But how does that make you feel?
Why start the year putting pressure on yourself to keep promises you have made? Perfection is impossible, so dont even try.
Instead, be proud of your achievements from this year, remember the good times and perhaps reflect on the not so good and consider if there is anything you can learn from your experiences.
What did you enjoy and would like to do more of ? What made you feel less happy and so want to do less? Who do you want to spend more time with and where do you want to visit.
Put yourself in control of your plans and intentions, be the star of your own book, pledge to put your happiness first. Perhaps jot these ideas and thoughts down so you can have a reminder of things that make you happy and can refer to if you get lost in the daily trudge that life can sometimes bring.
Find some joy in each day, the simple things, the small things. Be grateful for these things and allow yourself to smile.
And remember, YOU are enough as you are.
Christmas 2022
Christmas 2022
Christmas. A tricky time of year for some
As many look forward to some time off and getting together with family, some of you will be feeling anxious or stressed.
Christmas can be hard work! Especially if you are catering for the masses or have a houseful of people you may not always see eye to eye with. Or you may have young children who get you up early and demand all your attention. Tensions can be high!
For others, missing loved ones that arnt around for various reasons can be triggering. You may feel sad or lonely.
Whatever your reasons for not looking forward to Christmas or being concerned about the day going to plan, all feelings are valid. And you are just as important as everyone e