You may have heard the word Chakra used around the subject of Wellness. But what are Chakras?
Chakras are the main energy centres within your body that run down the spine. Keeping them open, unblocked and aligned will aid the energy flow of your body and therefore maintain your overall health and well being both physically and mentally.
The Energy Centres within the body
Each of the 7 main chakras represents a different area of energy. Chakra means ‘wheel’ and you can think of them as spinning disks of energy.
Each one corresponds with the nerves, major organs and areas that affect our emotional and physical being. A colour, number and name is assigned to each one from the our roots to the crown of our head and beyond.
Root - Red - base of our spine - physical presence, grounding, stability
Sacral - Orange - below belly button to top of pubic bone - sexuality, pleasure, creativity
Solar Plexus - Yellow - upper abdomen - self esteem, confidence
Heart - Green - centre of the chest - love, compassion
Throat - blue - communication
Third Eye - Indigo/purple - brow area - intuition, imagination
Crown - Violet/white - top of the head - awareness, intelligence
Blocks in the Chakras affect our wellbeing, its where we hold traumas, grief, lack of confidence, anxiety and physical disorders.
Unblocking and keeping the Chakra wheels spinning will not only help you feel better emotionaly and physically but will improve your energy and vibrancy.
Attending one of our beautiful sound baths will help you work on your chakras. Start to feel amazing!