New Year Intentions
There is lots of talk at this time of year about New Years resolutions. But how does that make you feel?
Why start the year putting pressure on yourself to keep promises you have made? Perfection is impossible, so dont even try.
Instead, be proud of your achievements from this year, remember the good times and perhaps reflect on the not so good and consider if there is anything you can learn from your experiences.
What did you enjoy and would like to do more of ? What made you feel less happy and so want to do less? Who do you want to spend more time with and where do you want to visit.
Put yourself in control of your plans and intentions, be the star of your own book, pledge to put your happiness first. Perhaps jot these ideas and thoughts down so you can have a reminder of things that make you happy and can refer to if you get lost in the daily trudge that life can sometimes bring.
Find some joy in each day, the simple things, the small things. Be grateful for these things and allow yourself to smile.
And remember, YOU are enough as you are.